
This is my cool avatar. The site I used was some rock star one so it made the avatar look stylish. I don’t like the colour pink that much so I choose to do everything on it pink. It took me only a few minutes so maybe later on I will do a more quality one but for now I think this one looks pretty beautiful.screen-shot-2016-10-26-at-9-56-30-pm


I’m not that familiar with the commenting side of things on this blog site. We are told to post at least one comment a week on one of our class mates posts. I am going to teach you how to write a good quality comment in this post. I hope it somehow helps you in some way.

Tip 1- always read the blog post! Obviously once you read what the post is about you will have some kind of idea on which your comment is going to be about. Also try to always have a connection between the comment and the blog post. Don’t fully change the subject of the post in your comment.

Tip 2- always be positive. Even when you are giving feedback or telling them something they may have done wrong, do it on a positive note, like you are trying to help them out. Complement them on how they wrote something or what they wrote about etc.

Tip 3- sound interested. If you aren’t interested in their post just pretend you are, it will make their day. Include a question based on the topic of the blog in your comment. This way they can reply back and you then have a connection with that person. It could be good to include some facts or information you know about the topic. Say they wrote about pigs and they didn’t write a fact you may know, include that fact in your comment.

Tip 4- have good grammar. This site is about spelling and grammar so there is no use writing a comment that is full of mistakes. Also this comment can be read worldwide so you want people to understand what you are trying to say.

So yes that is all the tips I have and maybe I will start using them as well.

Maya Angelou

Maya was born in St. Louise in Missouri, United States. She grew up in St. Louise with her parents until they split apart when she was three years of age. She and her brother, Bailey was sent to live with their grandmother in a town called Stamps in Arkansas.
Maya and her brother had an especially hard life growing up. Her brother was born a year before her and they had a tight relationship. They saw a lot of horrible things kids usually wouldn’t see at their age. They were both African American and had to experience firsthand racism and discrimination. When Maya was at the age of seven she visited her mother, there she was raped by her mother’s new boyfriend. The boyfriend was then killed by Maya’s uncles not long after. Maya, traumatized by the experience she had just witnessed didn’t speak a word for 5 years after.
She moved away to San Francisco where she won a scholarship at California labour school. There she studied dance and acting. During labour school, Maya got a job as a cable car conductor but it didn’t last long. She was the first female to have that job. At only sixteen years of age Maya fell pregnant whilst in a relationship that didn’t last long. Once ‘Guy’ was born, Maya had worked numerous jobs to care for her and her son.
Maya’s career as a performer started during the mid 1950’s when she played a role in the movie ‘Porgy and Bess’. Not long after she appeared in the Calypso Heat Wave, although, it was when she played a role in the movie ‘The Blacks’ when she became well known. Maya Angelou soon moved to Egypt for a change of creative ideas. After living in Egypt, she moved to Gahanna where she was an instructor, administrator at Gahanna University.
During her spare time she studied the languages French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic and west African language frantic. She then returned to the United the states, where she was requested by a friend to write about her life experiences, which resulted in a successful 1960, memoir of her life. The Book was called ‘I know why the cage bird sings.’ The book made literary history. It was the number one non-fiction book written by an African American woman. This led her to be an International star. She broke new ground educationally and socially.
Her love life came later in her life when she met Zuzanki Mate a South American civil rights activist in the big city New York.
While Maya was mute for five years she continuously studied and memorized poems. She memorized around 60 sonnets from Shakespear. This was a reason she was so good at writing in her career. You can find a lot of information about Maya’s life by looking into her poems, songs and the types of movies she is in. They show how her mother wasn’t quite in her and her brother, Bailey’s lives when they were growing up. When the two were older, they both became close friends with the mum and grew a good relationship. Her mother was a very strait forward person. She went by a lot of sayings. My favourite saying of hers would be ‘if you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.’ Maya and her brother were told all of the mum’s sayings and learnt to live by them. In Maya’s creations (poems, etc.) she talks about racism and the world around her that she grew up in. The society around Maya reflected heavily in her creations
She came home running
back to the mothering blackness
deep in the smothering blackness
white tears icicle gold plains of her face
She came home running

She came down creeping
here to the black arms waiting
now to the warm heart waiting
rime of alien dreams befrosts her rich brown face
She came down creeping

She came home blameless
black yet as Hagar’s daughter
tall as was Sheba’s daughter
threats of northern winds die on the desert’s face
She came home blameless
1. Subject: The subject of this poem in my opinion is that someone is taking advantage of a black young girl. The girl is crying to her mother like something terrible has happened to her. In the last paragraph it says that the girl is blameless. This means that there must be someone else to blame and they have done something to her. It also makes you think that the girl whom was black, was used.
2. Purpose and theme: I think that the purpose of Maya Angelou writing this is to tell us that something terrible happened to her when she was younger. The way she writes it doesn’t say it is about her, although, by finding out information about her I can see it is about when she was raped. The theme of this is a little bit about racism as well, because when Maya was growing up, she experienced a lot of racism. She also wants us to realise that black humans cared about things because back in the day, black humans weren’t respected.
3. Emotion and mood: The mood this poem makes you feel throughout it is odd. You feel sorry for the child running home to her mother in the darkness. At the beginning you feel sadness and desperation, although, in the middle paragraph you feel a warmth and happiness because the child’s mother is caring for her. Towards the end, again you feel sadness because it said that the girl was blameless.
4. Poetic techniques: the poem is full of different types of techniques. She has used a few different rhyming patterns like starting and finishing each paragraph with the same sentence and also in each paragraph the third line rhymes. Also reading this poem, a picture is created. It creates a scene in your head. Many describing words are used, like ‘her rich brown face.’ Repetition is popular in this poem as well. Every lines last word is repeated at least once through the poem.

  1. Summary: this poem really does give out an impact. Maya tells a sad story of a moment in her life when she was hurt. By telling the story as a poem and not fully indicating that it is about her, it really makes you feel sorry for her. Also t makes you think about how back when she was young the society wasn’t caring for the black.


Zest Fest

The zest fest has been going on for a few years now and it has brought joy to many. The community comes together and creates something amazing. Everyone has a fun time learning new things every single year the zest fest event is on.

Last year when I did dance we all had to learn a little dance sequence that was going to be played on the zest fest night. Ally, Alyssa, Haylee, Amy and I all volunteered to be the samurai and perform the dance on the night. The dance we learned grew bigger every practice we went to, resulting in us playing a bigger role in the play than we had expected. While we learnt the dance, the puppeteers were learning how to puppeteer. I learnt a lot of creative things while at the practices that I would never usually learn anywhere else. I got to hold and play with all the puppets and the other props they were using on the night. We all enjoyed the experience quite a lot.

This year I’m not so involved in it all but I have heard that it is going to be pretty impressive. The people here in Kalbarri are so very lucky to be involved in an event like this and it is sad that this year is the last year it will be held. Thank you Bec for bringing the community together in all of this.

Mud Topic Story

I was just a kid. Around seven years old when Gret and I became friends. I lived in a dry area where it had never rained till that one day where I met Gret. The last time it had rained where we lived was over 90 years ago.

I was playing outside while my family were inside doing the usual- watching TV, they never went outside. When I felt the drop on my shoulder I got scared. I had never learned about rain till then, never even heard of it before. It was clear and I thought someone was trying to kill me. But then more and more water drops fell to the floor and started to stir up the brown dirt, producing puddles. I thought if this is how I’m going to die I may as well have a good time. So I started jumping in the puddles. It was fun. Gooey dirt flying everywhere.

My clothes were getting ruined but I was not worried. But then I was worried when something grabbed the back of my foot. A hand similar to a human’s but also completely different. It had a cold touch to it. I looked over my shoulder to see a blue, human sized blob. He spoke in a wise voice and said ‘I have chosen you’. After he had said that he started moving backwards towards a dry area, still holding onto my foot. He stood up. He then touched me on my shoulder and when I looked down at myself I saw I was clean and dry. He was magic! Turns out I did not die. And we are now best friends.